10 Amazing Ways To Jump Start Your Sales

Written by Dan Brown

Here's 10 POWERFUL ways on how to get your business off to a flying start.

1. Find a strategic business partner. Look for ones that haverepparttar same objective. You can trade leads, share marketing info, sell package deals, etc.

2. Brand your name and business. You can easily do this by just writing articles and submitting them to e-zines or web sites for republishing.

3. Start an auction on your web site. The type of auction could be related torepparttar 140393 theme of your site. You'll draw traffic from auctioneers and bidders.

4. Remember to take a little time out of your day or week to brainstorm. New ideas are usuallyrepparttar 140394 difference between success and failure.

5. Model other successful business or people. I'm not saying out right copy them, but practice some ofrepparttar 140395 same habits that have made them succeed.

Ten Ways To Multiply Your Sales

Written by Dan Brown

Here's ten simple yet POWERFUL ideas for you to reflect on. This will help you adjust your marketing strategies, which will have a GREAT effect on everything you sell.

1. When you make your first sale, follow-up withrepparttar customer. You could follow-up with a "thank you" email and include an advertisement for other products you sell. You could follow-up every few months.

2. You could upsell to your customers. When they're at your order page, tell them about a few extra related products you have for sale. They could just add it to their original order.

3. Tell your customers if they refer four customers to your web site, they will receive a full rebate of their purchase price. This will turn one sale into three sales.

4. When you sell a product, give your customersrepparttar 140392 option of joining an affiliate program so they can make commissions selling your product. This will multiply repparttar 140393 sale you just made.

5. Sellrepparttar 140394 reprint/reproduction rights to your products. You could include an ad on or withrepparttar 140395 product for other products you sell. You could make sales forrepparttar 140396 reproduction rights and sales onrepparttar 140397 back end product.

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